WVH 100 Club – January 2016 Winner

Winsley Village Hall 100 Club

The January 2016 winner of £25 held membership number 263 and lives in Tyning Road.

On behalf of the Village Hall Committee, thank you for your continuing support.  Villagers contributed a much-needed net £624 to the Village Hall funds in the Village Hall’s last financial year (April 2014-March 2015).  This financial year, which ends in two months’ time, is likely to see a lower net income (only £552, so far) from the 100 Club as several members have not renewed, but there is still time.  Whilst April is the start of the cycle for many members, you can join at any time as your subscription runs for 12 months from the date of joining.   Reminders have gone out to those with expired membership, and more will go out as we approach April.

When you come to one of the many events held in the Hall (https://www.winsley.org.uk/village-diary), you will see what an asset we have here in the Village, but it needs villagers’ support to keep it going.

100 Club application forms can be found on the website at https://www.winsley.org.uk/archives/2509, in the April 2015 Winsley Weaver, or from the 100 Club Co-Ordinator, Barry Brooks (01225-722714, 100club@winsleyvillagehall.org).